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Coffs Harbour High School

Coffs Harbour High School

Excellence and Innovation in a Caring Environment

Telephone02 6652 3466

Year 7

Units of Study


My Changing World

Students engage in activities exploring the factors that can influence their sense of self and how these may change as they become older. Students are provided with the opportunity to develop skills to effectively manage these changes.

The unit focuses on three themes:

  • Liking Me
  • Relating to Others
  • Getting Help





Eat Well, Live Well

This unit is designed to provide students with the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills required to make informed food choices throughout life. The focus will be on analysing the food habits of Australians and examining the relationship between the nutrients in food, exercise and good health and making food choices for everyday usage.








Just One Puff

Tobacco smoking is the single largest preventable cause of premature death and disease in Australia. Tobacco smoking accounts for 82% of drug-related deaths in Australia. According to the United Nations 2014 World Drug Report, Australia has the inglorious distinction of having the highest proportion of recreational drug users in the world — an embarrassing new low, albeit from getting high 

The aim of the unit is to prevent and reduce smoking experimentation among young people, and to reinforce positive non-smoking behaviours.





Safe Living in Coffs Harbour

What are the steps we can take to ensure we are protected in unsafe situations? How can we offer help when injury occurs?