Coffs Harbour High School

Excellence and Innovation in a Caring Environment

Telephone02 6652 3466

Arrival/Departure from School


Our duty of care starts for students when they get off the school bus or are dropped off at school. Students are expected to come straight into the quadrangle area and remain in the school grounds (unless accompanied by a teacher or on excursion). Staff supervise students at the end of the day until the departure of the last bus.

Students are not permitted to get off the bus and walk down to the local shopping centre, unless they have a note from a Deputy Principal, which may be given for students who have a valid reason.


What to do if ….

You are absent from school


Your responsibility is to:-

  • Your parent/carer should contact the school the morning of your absence by telephone to alert the school if you are sick or on leave;  OR
  • You may bring a note explaining your absence/s the day you return to school;  OR
  • Your parent/carer may reply to the SMS Absence Notification, however it is not possible to initiate a text message.
  • The above must be completed within seven days of your absence, otherwise your absence will be recorded as "unexplained".
  • Should your absence, due to illness, exceed three school days, a medical certificate must be provided to the school on your return.
  • If you will be absent on leave for longer than five school days, you will need to apply for a "Certificate of Extended Leave – Travel". Please collect a form from the Rolls Office a week prior to the leave commencing to allow time for the certificate to be processed.


You are late to school


Your responsibility is to:-

  • Report to the Rolls Office. Have your late arrival and the reason why recorded and be issued with a late note.
  • Take the late note to your class, which is in progress, so that you may be admitted to class.


You are late for class

Your responsibility is to:-

  • Provide an acceptable explanation.
  • If your teacher detains you at the end of a lesson you must ask him / her for a late note to take to your next teacher.



