Coffs Harbour High School

Excellence and Innovation in a Caring Environment

Telephone02 6652 3466

Religion and ethics

NSW public schools offer special religious education (SRE) and special education in ethics (SEE). At CHHS, SRE is available to all Year 7 students once a fortnight for a 55 minute lesson. 

Combined Christian SRE (scripture) classes are taught by trained and authorised teachers from different Christian denominations and churches. In Coffs Harbour region SRE teachers are authorised and cross-authorised by Anglican Diocese of Grafton, Australian Christian Churches, Baptist Union of NSW, Christian Community Churches of Australia, C3 Church NSW, Churches of Christ in NSW (Fresh Hope), Evangelical Brotherhood Church, Lutheran Church of Australia, NSW District, Wesleyan Methodist Church of Australia, Presbyterian Church of Australia (NSW), The Salvation Army, Seventh-Day Adventist Church North NSW Conference and Uniting Church in Australia (NSW Synod)

The curriculums used are CCSM Inc High School Curriculum and PeaceWise Youth authorised by Baptist Union of NSW and can be found at

The combined arrangement is facilitated by Coffs Coast Schools Ministry Inc.

Parents & Carers wishing to withdraw their child from SRE, sometimes known as scripture, should provide a written request to remove their child from SRE and hand to the front office. Students withdrawn from SRE will undertake meaningful alternative activities such as reading, completion of homework and private study.