Coffs Harbour High School

Excellence and Innovation in a Caring Environment

Telephone02 6652 3466

School Sport


SPORT is mandatory at Coffs Harbour High School

Coffs Harbour High School provides the opportunity for students to select and participate in a variety of sports throughout the year.

Please be aware that;

  • Students must attend sport each week.
  • Students should try to have the correct amount of change to pay for sport at their venue.
  • Staff will provide supervision on each bus and at their sporting venues.
  • All students are required to wear their full sports uniform for all activities, or appropriate sport specific attire for their chosen activity.  
  • Sports will only run if the minimum numbers are met.

PREVIOUS TERM PAYMENT: If students have not paid sport money from previous terms, they will not be allowed to attend ANY paying sport until all money owed has been paid.

In accordance with the schools' Code of Behaviour, students who misbehave at their chosen sport or truant during the afternoon may be excluded from their chosen sport and will be required to attend non-sport detention the following week. 


Parents please note there is no personal injury cover provided by the NSW Department of Education and Communities for students in relation to school sporting activities, physical education lessons or any other school activity. Parents and caregivers are advised to assess the level and extent of their child's involvement in the sport program offered by the school, school sport zone, area and state school sport associations when deciding whether additional insurance cover, above that provided by Medicare, is required. Personal accident insurance cover is available through normal retail insurance outlets.

The NSW Supplementary Sporting Injuries Benefits Scheme, funded by the NSW Government covers any injury resulting in the permanent loss of a prescribed faculty or the use of some prescribed part of the body.

Sports Carnivals

Coffs Harbour High School has four sport houses based on the names of the local beaches:

  1. SAPPHIRE (Blue)
  2. EMERALD (Green)
  3. MACAULEYS (Red)
  4. GALLOWS (White)

These houses compete for victory at each of the school's annual  three sporting carnivals which are popular and exciting events that give students of all ability levels the opportunity to get involved.

The Swimming Carnival is held early in Term 1 at Coffs Harbour Memorial Swimming Pool.  It features both fun and competitive events for students in each age group.  Two representatives in each event represent the school at the Mid North Coast Swimming Carnival. CHHS has been very competitive in swimming for a number of years with regular representatives at the CHS State Swimming Championships and more recently at the Australian Championships. Novelty events are available and the highlight of this carnival is often the student's fashion and make-up in house colours, as well as the annual teachers vs students relay.

The Cross Country Carnival is held at the beginning of Term 2 with a course along the Jetty Beach. This event is organised as a fun run/cross country competition. Once again all students usually get involved with an assortment of outfits to make a fun day for everyone. All students undergo training in PDHPE in the weeks leading up to the event by gradually building their fitness levels. Six representatives from each age group represent the school in the Mid North Coast Cross Carnival. Once again CHHS has proved competitive with a number of students representing the school at Regional, State and National level.

The Athletics Carnival is held in the middle of Term 2 at the CEX International Stadium. It involves a full day for the whole school. All students are encouraged to participate with the focus on participation and enjoyment. The age relays at the end of the day are highly fought out events with all houses vying for wins to boost their house points. Two representatives in each event represent the school at the Mid North Coast Athletics Carnival. CHHS has been very competitive in athletics for a number of years with regular representatives and place-getters at Regional, State and National Athletics Championships.

From each of these carnivals our top athletes are provided opportunities of representing the school at either Zone, Regional or State CHS (Combined High Schools) competitions.

CHHS has an impressive record of achievements at these championships with a number of the school's representatives named as Age Champions, breaking records or achieving medals at all levels.

These sporting carnivals are all part of the normal school routine. We ask all parents to encourage their children to participate on carnival days. Students absent on these days MUST provide a note explaining their absence

Combined High Schools (CHS) Representative Sport

There are also opportunities to represent our school at inter-school sports competitions. As a NSW public school we benefit from the opportunities for shared activities and competitions with other schools, coordinated by school sport associations.

At Coffs Harbour High School we support and encourage students to pursue representative selection at all levels. We are not only keen to extend our talented sports men and women to achieve their personal goals, but also to strengthen school pride by encouraging sportsmanship, leadership and co-operation on the sporting field. The school has a proud record of individual and team achievements in a variety of sports including Softball, Basketball, Soccer, Surfing, Golf, Surf Lifesaving. Many of our students have gone on to be selected to represent at zone, regional, state and national championships, where they have enjoyed enormous success. 

Coffs Harbour High School competes in a wide range of CHS Knockout competitions for both junior and open teams.

Knockout competitions - Entry into CHS competitions is by school nomination where teachers are available to coach teams. Students from any year are given the opportunity to trial for inclusion in a knockout team, although senior students tend to dominate in the Open teams due to size and experience. Selection trials and training are generally announced on in the Daily Notices which are read out every morning during R&R. We usually enter teams in soccer, netball, basketball, AFL, touch football, beach volleyball, cricket and volleyball. The school also participates in the Tennis, Golf, Surfing and Surf Lifesaving Competition.

Representative Teams - trials are held for a wide range of sports and students from years 7 to 12 are eligible to attend. Students need to be highly competent in these sports to be selected. Selections may be made via representation in a school team or if no school team participates, students may trial on an individual basis. If students are selected in a zone team they then train and play at an all-day Mid North Coast Zone carnival. A North Coast representative team is selected on the day and this team plays against the other regions in a state carnival. Selection in state teams occur for only a few sports, which go on to play at National Championships.

Gala Days – on occasions a variety of gala days are organised within the Mid North Coast Zone providing students with the opportunity to play sport against other schools in the area.

Some carnivals are for Open teams and other for Junior Teams. All students interested in representing the school in their chosen sport, should ask the Sport Organiser  in the PDHPE Staffroom for more details.

Sport is an important part of the curriculum at Coffs Harbour High School and we are very proud of our sporting tradition